Your unconscious mind controls 90% of your life.

Do you sometimes wish it could do a better job?

Did you know that your unconscious mind is at least ten times the size of your conscious mind?

It records and remembers everything you hear, see, say and feel and remembers it permanently. And it never stops working even when you are asleep. We're talking about an awesomely powerful computer, capable of performing a trillion operations a second and constantly processing everything that happens in your body and your environment. And its sole purpose is to keep you safe and happy.

That's reassuring, you may well think. But despite its size and power, your unconscious mind is unsophisticated when it comes to exercising judgement. So problems can occur when it does something it believes will keep you safe or happy but in reality has the opposite effect.

For example, you might want to lose weight but as a child, your unconscious mind learned to equate eating cake and biscuits with reassurance and comfort, so now whenever you are stressed or worried you reach for the biscuit tin, whether you want to or not.

Or, you could be looking to progress at work but whenever you are asked to speak in front of a group of people you panic. Your unconscious (which records everything) remembers a time when you were humiliated when speaking in front of the class at school. So to keep you safe, it induces a fight or flight response with the aim of getting you out of what it perceives to be a dangerous situation.

These unconscious responses although well intended produce undesirable results. But the good news is it's relatively easy to re-educate your unconscious mind using hypnotherapy and once the message sinks in your behaviour will change.

When you consider the power that the unconscious mind has over our behaviour, it's easy to see how the ability to reprogram it with hypnotherapy can improve our lives in so many ways. Whether that is freeing yourself of a serious problem like anxiety or depression, or just improving your golf handicap.

If you're interested in finding out whether hypnotherapy could help you, I'm happy to offer you a free 20 minute consultation. We can do this over the phone or in person, whichever is easier for you.

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See scientists estimate the size of your unconscious mind on the BBC
Watch on YouTube

How I can help you change

In Cognitive Hypnotherapy, there are no 'one size fits all' solutions. Every problem is different and every person is unique. There are a range of different techniques that can be used to unlock a problem, so it's a case of finding out what works for you. These are some of the areas where Cognitive Hypnotherapy is proven to be effective and that I can help you with.


Addictions and compulsive habits

Anxiety and panic attacks

Depression and low self confidence

Sleep problems

Weight loss

Sporting performance

Business issues

What to expect

Some people are a little wary of hypnosis because they believe it's something they have never experienced before but in fact we all go into trance states every day. Staring out of the window in a meeting thinking about something completely unrelated, getting lost in a beautiful piece of music, even being so involved in a film on TV that you don't notice what's going on around you. These are everyday trance states and what you experience under hypnosis will feel very similar.

In this state, your conscious mind takes a break, so you are not worrying about something you forgot to do at work or thinking about what you are going to have for dinner. When you are this relaxed it's easier to get a message through to your unconscious mind and that is the reason for doing it. You will know exactly what's happening and be perfectly conscious throughout.

After a session you should feel pleasantly relaxed and at one with the world.

It's important to point out though, that hypnotherapy is not something that's done to you, it's a collaboration, where we work together and my role is as a kind of guide. In my experience people find the process interesting, enlightening and enjoyable.

If you’re wondering whether Cognitive Hypnotherapy could work for you, a good place to start would be with a free 20 minute phone consultation. If you decide to go ahead after this, most of my sessions are now done online, which has the advantage that you can experience the therapy from the comfort of your own home. This became necessary in the pandemic and I have found it is both effective and convenient for people. A session costs £85 and usually last for around an hour but please allow at least an hour and a half.

About me

Before becoming a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, I had a career in the Communications business, working in London for twelve years and moving to Glasgow in the 1990's, where I started my own company with two partners, eventually selling it in 2008.

I have travelled extensively in Africa, the US and Europe and lived in France and Spain, learning to speak both languages fluently. I'm married and have two grown up daughters.

My training in Cognitive Hypnotherapy was at the Quest Institute in London. This school and its founder Trevor Sylvester are at the cutting edge of Hypnotherapy and I believe have evolved the most effective, dynamic and innovative programme in the country.

I have a Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy from The Quest institute and I am a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy and the Complimentary and National Healthcare Council.

Jonathan d'Aguilar


Book a consultation

If you'd like to arrange a first appointment, or alternatively a free 20 minute phone consultation to find out whether Hypnotherapy is right for you, please get in touch.

Mobile: 07715 116703


Address: Ringstead, 13 High Newton Farm cottages, High Newton by the sea, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 3ED

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